
Donate to help Hawkes Bay recover from Cyclone Gabrielle.

Damaged bridge after Cyclone Gabrielle

About us

On the 14th Feb 2023 Cyclone Gabrielle made the Esk Valley, and other communities surrounding Eskdale, virtually unrecognisable.

With the oversight and guidance of the Bay View Community Charitable Trust, the community created a working group following the cyclone to support and enhance recovery. Over the past 8 months, we have:

  • Distributed over $300k directly to impacted households
  • Supported and sourced funding for the Esk Valley Community Hub
  • Partnered with the HB Clean Up Team to expedite residential clean up
  • Set up and maintained a community recovery website
  • Held regular community drop-in sessions, attended by many relevant recovery agencies
  • Organised three community parties attended by hundreds
  • Developed a Community Support team who continue to support those who need it on a 1:1 basis
  • Sourced funding for and established a community tool library

As of October 2023, the need and the work continues. Many of our community continue to live in a state of uncertainty about the future of their homes and livelihoods. Others are still dealing with the traumatic after effects of living through a natural disaster. We will continue to support them in any way we can, for as long as they need.

Bay View Community Charitable Trust provide recreational services and amenities in the interests of social welfare within the Bay View, Whirinaki, Waipatiki, and Eskdale areas.

Use of funds

Every dollar raised goes directly towards supporting the community.

Donate via Bank Transfer

The Bay View Community Charitable Trust is accepting donations to directly support community members impacted by Cyclone Gabrielle.

100% of all donations go directly to the community – no admin fees are deducted.

Account HolderBay View Community Charitable Trust Inc
Account Number01-0697-0071748-00
Particulars[Your Name if you need donation receipt]
ReferenceTour Aroha Donation

Donate via Credit Card or Internet Transfer

Credit card and Internet Transfer donations are more than welcome via the Give-a-little donation page.

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